Monday, November 1, 2010

And Here We Go!

(Winter Semester, 2011, to be specific)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm waiting for class to start and I've got to take my own advice.

This class is offered in the evening because, after another same old hum drum day, you can walk in, and you can leave your life behind. For the three hours we're here, we can be anyone we want to.

"Who are you?" Is such a fulfilling question. Am I a husband? homosexual? Rocker? Writer? Black? I'm not albino, obviously, but the rest of it, anything I want to add, I can.

Did I get in a fight last week? Was I defending someone's honor? No, but there were dragons I downed, and smiles I shared. I had delicious, exotic dinners and bread and water lunches. I worked my ass off and slacked harder than anyone.

I fell in love with shoes, boobs, booty, cooking, cleaning, eyebrows, wigs, sunsets, panada bears who wouldn't give me the time of day until Monday night, Laceless high tops, high laced boots, a smile, a piercing or three.

I fell off a book, a car, "The Horse", a water slide into a pool, a bathtub, a toilet, a growler's worth of smooth IPA beer, a few websites and a few radars.

I walk into this classroom as I want: happily married, prepared for the writing assignment, looking forward to the in class movie and the broccoli and hamburger helper dinner waiting in the fridge at home.

I'm going to make at least thirty gold pieces tonight, and laugh, and wake up early after this class.

I'm smart and understated and well on top of my work, husbandry, and schooling.

I'm happy to be here, thank-you for asking.

I'm in a graduate track and my beer belly is less than *that guy*. But only if I'm careful.

I am going through a job change. I probably won't be a healer, come the cataclysm, because there are enough. So, I'm promoting synergy.

I'm dreaming about video games, making my wife piss herself with laughter (talking in my sleep) and I'm laughing right along with her because: I am ridiculous.

I am not going to have movie butt during my class.

I am going to graduate in a few semesters. I am going to be a teacher.

Will I always be midddle middle class?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Birthday Parties

March is the Oh Shit Another! Month, for birthday parties. People go broke from months like these, but we haven't. We're managing quite well, despite a job loss. The summer'll be easier, too, and we can start saving for a vacation, next year. Friends going to some deep southern -equatorial even!- island. Gloriously cheap snorkeling.