Saturday, February 9, 2013

Still processing it all, through a coffee high that's going to last all day. A buzz, despite eggs and toast.

I went out dancing with a friend last night. She's a woman. I picked her up just after nine p.m. I  . . . am  still high from the coffee her husband made me.

I slept at her place, crashed in their upstairs bed and slept in a spinning room.

Woke up in a sunnier, happier reality. Looking around, a bit shaky from the jump. Lounged in the kitchen and talked about animated movies form the early 2000's.

Poor dance partner didn't quite know the tune, but the stories kept her entertained.

It's sunny today.

Today is a good day. Yesterday was also a good day. I cleaned a lot of the house and that's important to me.

I am in love with Black Light Burns Album, "The Moment You Realize You're Going to Fall."

I am in love with my wife, and my son, and art books that make my eyes hurt.

Altruistic 18 year olds who steal my Long Island Iced Teas and speak Spanish and me fumbling for the right word, the right conjugation.

I'm in love with the color blue, the color red.

"Because of you." He said, "I searched, back streets to the shore, the river banks. No thanks. You won't feel like before. Because of this, I fish --(for) little bits of time."
What's not to love about that?

I love the butterflies in my tummy, and the tea and the eggs and the waffles. I love the way you care about all this.

I love

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