Friday, June 19, 2009


In the united states of America (not including Canada, or Mexico) in 2009, President Obama issued a first time home buyer's tax credit of $8,000. In 2009, $8,000 is a lot of money.

My wife and I, married on February 13, 2009, after seven years of friendship, have decided to buy a house.

Currently we are looking at a house across from a fairground.

The house is large, but the yard is larger: 1/2 an acre of land. It also has a two and a half car garage, a proper up stairs (bathroom, two bedrooms). I like this house, and this land.

We are going to put an offer in on this house on Monday of next week. I want to grow apples and cabbages and corn on the land. I want to adopt a giant, drooling, bull mastiff named Kitty-Kitty (name subject to random, internet inspired spelling changes, ex: Kitteh-Quitti.)

This blog will chronicle my/our life in this house, among other ideas.

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